Pilots school
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Aerbrava - Recommended links

Recommended links


Recommended links to pages we think can be of your insterest.


Software aeronàuticAsysAir
AsysAir is a computer program for the management of any airline. This aviation software Developed by Ameba Software y Servicios SL., is adapted to the needs of pilots schools ATO and aerial work companies. The AsysAir software manages all the information from introducing a part of flight, a component input in store or shop work order until it billers release to service, resting activity crew listing, maintenance record, etc.
It has anything you need to pass authorities PVC.

Mantenimiento e Ingeniería de aeronaves
AEROSMITH66 It is a company based in the Pyrenees-Orientales, at the Perpignan airport. It is authorized by the French Directorate générale de l’aviation civile (DGAC) to intervene in many types of single-engine and twin-engine machines weighing less than 5.7 tonnes at take-off.
Specialized in the repair and maintenance of aircraft, it has a team of experienced mechanics.
Some of their services:
-All scheduled maintenance (both schedule and potential).
-CAMO airworthiness monitoring.
-All kinds of reparations.
-Special works:
 •Engine tuning and reparations
 •Exterior repairs
 •Weighing on electronic bascule

Revisiones médicas aeronáuticas
Servi-Tràfic is a center for aeronautical medical examinations of driving licenses, weapons permits, security guard, dangerous animals, crane permits, nautical permits (titulín, PER, yacht skipper, ...), ordinary certificates, certificates for sports licenses .
Aeronautical medical certificates::
Class 1 - renewals - Commercial Pilot.
Class 2 - initial and renewals - Private Pilot (airplane and helicopter), balloon Pilot, glider Pilot, flight or cabin crew.
Class 3 - renewals - Air traffic controllers..
LAPL - initial and renewals.
Appointment must be requested to 972 226 466.

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