Pilots school
Telephone 972234126 972 23 41 26
Aerbrava Pilots school

Discovery flight enrollment form


Family name:
Second Family name:
Postal code:
N.I.E. / D.N.I. / Passport:
Date of birth:
Place of birth:
*Copy your Email:

Method of payment:
    Bank wire transfer
    Direct bank debit
    Credit or debit card
    PayPal, administration fees 28,65€
    When you have submited the data, the payment page will open.

BASIC DATA PROTECTION INFORMATION: In compliance with the duty to inform interested parties of the circumstances and conditions of the processing of their data and the rights that assist them, we make the following information available to you.
The explicit consent supposes the legitimation for the treatment of your data with the acceptance of the conditions of this form.
RESPONSIBLE FOR DATA PROTECTION: Aerbrava, S.C.P. - NIF: J55096713 Postal Dir.: C/ Pla de Salt 12-14, 1º, 3º- 17190 Salt (Girona)
PURPOSE FOR DATA MANAGEMENT: Offer the requested service, invoicing and course follow up.
DATA KEEPING: The data will be part of our database for the time required to comply with the service and legal provisions
LEGITIMACY FOR DATA TREATMENT: Legitimate interest of the parties to respond to the registration request.
RECIPIENTS OF YOUR PERSONAL DATA: No data transfers are foreseen except in those cases where there is a legal obligation. There is no provision for international data transfers. Data may be given to Agencia Estatal de Seguridad Aérea (AESA) upon request from the agency
YOUR RIGHTS: You can revoke consent and exercise your Rights to access, rectify, oppose, limit, carry and delete the data, by writing to Aerbrava, S.C.P., en C/ Pla de Salt 12-14, 1º, 3º- 17190 Salt (Girona) in addition to going to the competent control authority (AEPD).
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: You can request additional information to the resposible address.

I have read and accept the processing of personal data and the privacy policy.

I hereby accept the conditions of use of the contact form.

I agree that my identification data will be included for Aerbrava SCP commercial purposes.


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